Fokker DR 1 Aces of World War I, by Norman Franks and Greg VanWyngarden
Osprey Aircraft of the Aces Series #40
Osprey Publishing, 2001
Library: 940.44943 FRA
Back Matter
Undoubtedly the most famous fighter type to see service on either side during World War I, the Fokker DR 1 was inspired by Sopwith's Triplane of 1916-1917. Boasting three superimposed wings, the German scout enjoyed much better maneuverability than any other fighter then in combat over the front. Entering service on the Western Front in the autumn of 1917, the Dreidecker (hence Dr), enjoyed immediate success with Germany's elite fighter unit, Manfred von Richthofen's JG 1. Although the triplane was not particularly fast in comparisin with other fighting scouts of the time, and it remained prone to wing failures throughout its brief career, the Dr 1 nevertheless proved a formidable opponent in the hands of skilled aces such as Manfred von Richthofen, Josef Jacobs and Ernst Udet. Although finally replaced from the spring of 1918 onwards by Fokker's far superior D VII, the triplane came to symbolize the German fighter force in the Great War.
Table of Contents
1. Dubious Debut
2. Richthofen's Circus
3. A Fighter for the Chosen Few
1. Color plates commentary
--Manfred von Richthofen, Konstantin Krefft, Anthony Fokker and Kurt Wolff
--Richthofen sitting on wheel of Fokker triplane
--Richthofen, Eberhardt Moehnicke, Lt. A. F. Bird posing in front of shot down aircraft
--Werner Voss and Fokker triplane
--Gefr Karl Timm, three other mechanics
--Crown Prince Otto van Hapsburg, Karl Bodenschatz, Hptm Wilberg, Oblt von Doring
--Werner Voss in cockpit
--Lt. Kurt Wolff
--Otto Voss, Werner Voss, Max Voss, 23 Sept 1917. Due to go on leave the next day, Voss died that night.
--Jasta 15: Heinrich Gontermann in cockpit
--Jasta 15: Heinrich
--Jasta 11: Joachim Wolff, with wolfhound
--Crashed plane and unidentified guard
--Crashed plane and unidentified soldiers
--Jasta 31: Ltn Richard Wenz
--Jasta 11: Lt. Ernst Udet
--Fokker and three unidentified men
--Jasta 11: Lt. Hans Weiss
--Edgar Scholz
--Jasta 11: Ltn Erich Just
--Jasta 11: Werner Steinhauser
--Steinhauser and unidentified pilot in front of a Fokker
--Jasta 11: Werner Steinhauser in cold-weather gear
--Jasta 11: Ltn Siegfried Gussmann
--Jasta Boelcke: Karl Bolle
--Jasta B: Lt. Wilhem Papenmeyer, Herman Vallendor, Richard Plange, Paul Schroder, and Ltn Friedrich 'Fritz' Kempf
--Jasta B: Paul Baumer
--Ltn Herrmann Frommherz
--Karl Gallwitz and three unidentified mechanics
--Jasta Boelcke: Ltn Otto Loffler
--Jasta 4: Ernst Udet, Ltn Hans Kirschstein, Ltn Julius Bender, Egon Koepsch, Karl Meyer, and Heinrich Drekmann
--Ernst Udet in cockpit
--Ltn Johan Janzen
--Vzfw Franz Hemer
--Jasta 6: Wilhelm 'Willi' Reinhard and about 15 unidentified people
--Jasta 6: Ltn Hans Kirschstein
--Jasta 7: Josef Jacobs and three unidentified men
--Jasta 7: Josef Jacobs
--Jasta 7, Jacobs, Uffz Peisker, Uffz Paul Huttenrauch, Uffz August Eigenbrodgt, Uffz Sicho, Ltn Willi Negben, Lt. Bannenberg, Uffz Jupp Bohne, Ltn Wirth, Ltn Rath?
--Jasta 12: Adolf von Tutschek, Ltn Oskar Muller, Oblt Blumenbach, Lt Herbert Bock, Ltn Hermann Becker, Vfw Ulrich Neckel, Ltn Koch, Lt Hans Staats, Oblt a D Krapfenbauer, Ltn Paul Hoffmann
--Jasta 12: Ltn Hermann Becker
--Jasta 13: Lt Hans Pippart
--Jasta 14: Ltn Herbert Boy
--Jasta 19: Hans Pippart
--Ltn Walter Gottsch
--Jasta 19: Ltn Arthur Rahn
--Jasta 19: Ltn Rudolf Rienau
--Jasta 19: Ltn Rudolf Rienau, seated on plane
--Jasta 19: Ltn Hans Korner
--Jasta 26: Fritz Classen, Otto Fruhner, Otto Esswein
--Jasta 26: Ltn Fritz Loerzer
--Jasta 27: Hermann Goring
--Jasta 27: Rudolf Klimke
--5 unidentified pilots
--Jasta 34b: Ltn Rudolf Stark
--Jasta 34b: Vfw Johann Putz
--Jasta 36: Heinrich Bongartz, Vzfw Meyer, Ltn Gustav Wandelt(?), Ltn Max Naujok, Ltn Max Fuhrman, Uffz Alfred Hubner, Vzfw Patzer, Ltn Gottfried von Habler
Several pages of full-color drawings of Fokker DR-1 triplanes in various configurations and markings
DR 1 Photographs
In addition to the pilots, several photos of Fokker DR-1s, which I do not specify here.
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